Meet Our Crew

Chapter Chairman
Lorraine Martinelli
Chairman of our chapter. Lorraine shares her passion of aviation with all who will listen. "My soul is in the sky."

Ashley Sowers
Vice chair of our chapter and member for three years. Private pilot and currently working on her instrument rating.

Thyreicia Simtustus
Thyreicia Simtustus is the secretary for our chapter. She has her private pilots license and is currently finishing her instrument rating.

Kaitlan Comm
Treasurer and social media manager for our chapter. She has her private pilot, instrument, high performance, and commercial ratings.

Aviation and Space Education Chair
Chris Olsen
Chris loves aviation and wants to get her private pilots license.

News Reporter
Lauren Svejcar
Lauren is a USDA-ARS scientist in Burns, OR who is working on her private pilots license and had the opportunity to fly in many planes. She loves the RV7s and wants to eventually fly aerobatics.

Newsletter Editor
Mandolyn Leader
PR and newsletter chair. Private helicopter pilot.

Membership Chair
Alyse Nicodemus
Alyse is our membership chair. She helps incoming members. She has her private pilots license and is working on instrument.

Scholarship Chair
Not Filled
Guides members on how to apply for scholarships as well as manages our chapters scholarship fund.

Events & Exhibits Chair
Not Filled
Organizing events and opportunities for our members to share about aviation.